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For those considering membership with our church, below is our Covenant Agreement between the prospective member and the church:


We (Gateway) commit to you (the member) the following:

  1. A place of love and support.

  2. A place of free worship.

  3. A place of spiritual encouragement.

  4. A place where you can learn and mature in your faith.

  5. A place where your uniqueness and gifting are honored.

  6. A place of biblical counsel.

  7. A place where your gifts and offerings will be invested with honesty and integrity.


We (Gateway) expect from you (the member) the following:

  1. A person whose conduct reflects love and support.

  2. A person who respects the Lord and His people.

  3. A person who invites friends, family and others to attend GateWay.

  4. A person who supports the leadership of GateWay through prayer.

  5. A person who uses their gifts, talents and abilities to further the kingdom of God.

  6. A person who helps the pastor accomplish the vision God has given him.

  7. A person who gives generously & regularly to support the work and ministry of GateWay.


I (the member) believe the Holy Spirit is leading me to join this body of believers. He has a place of nourishment and service here for me. I will commit to be faithful to this body until the Holy Spirit leads me to another body of ministry and service.


If you need more details on joining, just talk to any of our leadership team.

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